Upcoming Events…
Please Join Us on Sunday May 23rd
from 5pm – 6:30pm for the Willimantic Food Co-op’s
First Ever Virtual Annual Meeting!
Please click HERE BUT THIS IS JUST A TEST to register for the meeting. If you are in need of assistance to join us electronically or don’t have a computer, please call the store at least 1 week ahead of time and talk to Alice or Patty. 860-456-3611
Please click HERE for EVENTUAL Board Election Information and Ballot.

Click HERE for the Annual Report containing your Ballot

Click HERE for the Annual Report containing your Ballot
Click HERE to Register for the Annual Meeting via Zoom
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Check back soon for new happenings!
Repair Your Treasures
What do you do with a book that is falling apart, a toaster that no longer works or a dress that has a tear? Bring it to the Repair Café on Saturday, April 18, 2015 10 AM to 2 PM, at the First Congregational Church, 199 Valley Street, Willimantic!
The Repair Café is a FREE event open to the public. Skilled volunteers will repair – or teach you to repair – your broken item. While you are there, enjoy bake sale refreshments and chat with a neighbor. You must be able to carry your item in and out of the Café. Participants are responsible for replacement parts costs. For more information, contact Virginia Walton at 860-429-3333 or waltonvd@mansfieldct.org.
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